Fillet of Beef w/ Tasmanian Pepper Berry
Beef Fillet
Olive Oil
Tasman Sea Salt with Pepper Berry
Preheat oven to 180°C
Slather the beef fillet with olive oil, rub Tasman Sea Salt with Pepper Berry into the meat and then leave to rest for 30 minutes
Heat olive oil and butter in an oven proof pan until butter starts to foam, then add the beef fillet and cook on all sides for 15 minutes until meat is browned all over.
Put the pan with the fillet into the oven and cook for another 20 minutes before taking out to rest for at least 10 minutes before serving
Article Source: Tasman Sea Salt
Photo Source: Tasman Sea Salt
Original Article:
TASMAN SEA SALT W/ PEPPER BERRY available for check out here ➡️
We have multiple healthy choices of TASMAN SEA SALT PRODUCTS at Drink International ➡️